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Sunday 21 November 2010

Ian Fight's For Jane!

Will Jane Leave Ian For Good?
Ian has an angry confrontation with Masood in The Soap next month after discovering that he and Jane almost had a night of passion in a hotel room.
Happier Times, Jane And Ian.

The drama kicks off after Masood and Jane's respective marriages hit rocky patches, causing them to seek support from each other as they head away from the Square for some time alone.

At a hotel, the pair look set to give into temptation - but they ultimately decide that they cannot go through with it and instead end up speaking candidly about their troubled relationships.

After Masood and Jane head back to Walford, Zainab and Ian are none the wiser about what has happened - but Jane soon blurts out everything to her husband, adding that she doesn't love him anymore.

However, against all the odds, Ian manages to convince Jane to give him another chance after they talk properly about their relationship and Lucy's abortion.

Despite it looking like things are back on track, Ian is silently seething about Masood and, as soon as he gets a chance, he pays him a visit to make his anger known. Will Masood live to regret his encounter with Jane?

In This Week's episodes will see Ian over-here that Jane saying she dose not love him, and has a night of passion with Glenda?

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