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Sunday 31 October 2010

Picture: Jack And Max Get Revenge

As YOU Have Probably Read,   Jack Is To Bee KIDNAPPED On The Run up to Is Wedding Day To Ronnie, Will He Get Away? ....

Venessa Made The Right Choice?...HARRY [ERGG] Or MAX 
as Harry's harassment of Vanessa continues.

During a confrontation with the malicious businessman, the Branning brothers threaten him with a baseball bat as they try to prove that they're not to be messed with.

When a shaken Harry promises that he will stay away from Vanessa from now on, it looks like the matter could finally be resolved and the pair agree to let him go.

Later, however, Jack gets a nasty surprise on his way home when two men suddenly grab him and bundle him into the back of a car before speeding off. Will Jack and Max live to regret taking on Harry? And will Jack escape in time for his wedding to Ronnie?

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