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Friday 15 October 2010

SPOILERS - Billys Secret Son & Love?

Tonight Julie Perkins Rocked Albert Sq, With Her Bombshell, That Billy is the Father to her grown up son...

Julie Turned up on Thursday on the sq looking for old pal Billy and by the end of Fridays episode she reveled that he had a secret son but what will Billy do?

Well he despratly trys to find his son with help from Julie who has lost trace of him.

Perry said: "He desperately wants to know who this son of his is so he phones the adoption agency and says he's looking for his child who was adopted 30 years ago. It could open a real can of worms."
Billy is soon to learn about his past when his first girlfriend Julie Perkins (Cathy Murphy) comes searching for him and confesses she had his child in secret.
Perry explained to Soaplife magazine: "They were both 15 when Julie got pregnant but Billy, like everyone else in the children's home, thought it was this carer who knocked him and the other kids about.
"Initially he's angry with her. But when she explains it wasn't her fault and they took the baby away from her, he shifts his anger to the authorities."
Cathy Murpthy Hopes That Billy and Julie Will Embark On A Relationship Saying:
"I'd like to think there's a romantic future for the pair of them. Julie's the female Billy. They're mirror images and really make each other laugh."
"They're really sweet together, though there's nothing going on yet. But if I was watching, I'd think, 'For God's sake, just get it on!'."
"Nothing ever goes smoothly for Billy, does it? You do get the feeling that there's going to be more tragedy."
"It's certainly not going to go to plan, because people like to see a loser - it makes them feel better about their own lives. And this is two losers together!"

What Do You Think Of This New Storyline For EastEnders?

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